The team that keeps the arrows flying straight
Board of Directors

Bill Lewis
Hi, I am Bill Lewis and I have been a member of Golden Arrow since 2000. I have also been the President of the club for several years. Prior to being the President, I held positions of Vice President and Target Coordinator. Fun Fact: No one in my family besides me currently shoots a bow.

Darcy Watson
My name is Darcy Watson. I became Treasurer in 2021. I have twin teenagers who love outdoors and hunting. I have been learning about archery since my son became involved in Golden Arrow. Fun fact: Despite spending hours at the range I have never shot a bow.

Mary Dunigan
Hi! My name is Mary Dunigan and I joined Golden Arrow Archery Club in 2017. I began serving as club Secretary in 2020. I started shooting indoor 3D before I moved to target archery. Fun Fact: My kids put up with spending almost two days of summer vacation at Lancaster Archery Supply with me last summer while I was purchasing and getting my new bow set-up.

Josh Watson
Associate Director of Hunting
and 3D
Hi, I am Josh Watson. I am 16 years old and archery is my passion. I started archery at 11 years old after completing Hunter Education. I love to participate in the Nebraska Game and Parks Archery Mentor Program each fall. I like to spend most of my evenings shooting, because life is better with a bow.
402-718-3163 (text preferred)

Don Bender
Hi, my name is Don Bender and I have been a member of Golden Arrow since 2017. I was elected webmaster for Golden Arrow Archery Club in 2020. Fun Fact: I had never shot a bow until my daughter started shooting archery. I don’t shoot often because my daughter laughs at me when I do.

Raegan Bender
Director Club Programs/JOAD
Hi, my name is Raegan Bender and I have been a member of Golden Arrow since 2017. I was elected director of programs for Golden Arrow Archery Club in 2022. Fun Fact: I am a national and international competitive archer and coach