Joining Golden Arrow Archery club is fast and easy.
Step 1: Print membership application
Step 2: Fill out the membership and submit to a current member or member of the board of directors along with membership payment
You're All Done! Enjoy the club and straight shooting!
Membership Fee:
Full Membership - $250 per year*
* Members have the opportunity to earn a $100 credit at the end of the year by attending one-third of the work parties for the year
Benefits of Full membership
1. Voting rights at monthly meetings
2. 24 X 7 immediate family access to the club facilities
3. Discounted rates for JOAD program participation
Associate Member - $25 per year
Membership details
1. Associate members are not granted voting rights
2. Associate members only have access to club facilities when a full member is present
3. Discounted rates for JOAD program participation